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I wish combat was a lot faster, right now it feels like it's taking forever to finish a turn.


Good afternoon, Mr. DaScoot. I want to know about the game you are making. Will this game be released on Android in the future?


Unfortunately I don't have the time required to develop and test for additional platforms.

as a game tester i give this a game a 9.5/10 cuz the time it takes to buy 1 ship and i would like to see missions where we get ships when the mission is complete.

On the download version for Windows 64, It wouldn't register me changing the name of the ship at the start.


Thanks, have this fixed for the next release.

Just wondering, is it normal to have save files disappearing in web version?


Yes, browsers haven't saved WebGL files between sessions for a few years now.

That's a shame tbh

How do I promote my officers do I have  do so  at watch station or is this mechanic not implemented yet


It's done from the Crew Roster, and requires both XP and some resources to do.

I enjoyed the game.  The crew building is similar to star trek online and what I spent most of my time doing.  One warning though, Never take a duty with the general recruitment reward.  There is a bug when you get one and try to use it.


The story is interesting but...

Most actions are tedious. Unlike most games, you NEED to read the instructions in the "?" panel, as not many things are obvious unlike most games.

Sure, you get used to it, but eh. It's still tedious sometimes.

Co parent and lover, what is different if not become both? Is it possible to choose both?


Co-Parent: Slightly changes some dialogue options to indicate you've had kids together, for players who want to roleplay as a parent in a relationship.

Lover: The current relationship state which can change over the course of the game (some work has been done for this but it's not fully implemented yet). You can have a kid with someone you're in a Hate Fuck relationship with, if you want to roleplay a bitter divorcee.

(1 edit)

do i have to have had played carnal coup to understand this?


The game starts off with a brief recap of events in the first game, and there's a codex that explains more of the background. But if there's still anything that's overly confusing to a new player I'd like to know, since it's hard for me to view it that way myself.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm afraid I don't have the time. Android's notoriously difficult to properly test due to the enormous range of devices it runs on.

(1 edit) (-1)

Ok, android can play. I can confirm.

In this website. But...

Umm keyboard doesn't appear to write text lol???

I use web browser puffin since it does have keyboard options trigger but it's not save progress i think??


Save games haven't worked in WebGL since a browser change a few years ago. As for Android/mobile use, I can't provide any particular support, it is what it is. The Windows version is the primary target build, WebGL should be considered as a demo.

i guess at least it let me try game lol

Deleted 273 days ago

I figured it out you need to select someone then press the button that says turns, I found it on accident

hey are we able to use the gangbang kink yet or is it not here? also how do I get the credits to unlock more people, I got a shit ton randomly and I'm confused where to go from here.


For the most part only traits that apply % bonuses and the like are currently implemented.  As for crewmember requisitions, those can be managed at Watch Station.

Hii! There is a way to download the file if you start playing in the browser? I want to download, but I dont want to start over again XD


Sorry, nope. Even if the browser keeps the data somewhere it's not gonna be compatible.



Hey do you think an android version will get made, iv been wanting to play but no computer


Afraid not, I don't have the development time for making or testing a mobile version.

Ah ok, well when I get a computer I'll download the game


That UI is...really rough

Hey, I’m on mobile and my keyboard can’t pull up to type in a name

how did you play on mobile?


im not sure if im doing something wrong but going to the Harman system does not start any scenes

Hmm, I've tested with both v0.2.0 saves and a fresh v0.3.0 game and it appears to trigger correctly here. If you were already in Harman on a 0.2 save you may need to leave the system then come back...if all else fails, if this was an old-version save, a fresh start is the most sure way to avoid any compatibility issues.

How do I fix the resolution of this when or in every time I choose the resolution it keep getting closer and closer ?

There's some known resolution issues on some screens which are fixed in the next release.

any eta on next update?

Patrons get updates twice a month, the public release is updated once a month, at a month delay.

um … help. I can’t play the game. Whenever it reached 90% it keeps on refreshing it self automatically. I am using IPad Pro to play this, cause in mobile phone it worked but when I went to option button to increase the front size. I saw that the X button or any close button is no where to be seen. So I tried it here to see if I can see the close button if I am at the option. 

Yes, the scaling issue with options and some other screens is a known issue and fixed in the next version. Playing in full screen may be required.

As far as WebGL loading issues go, can't help much there.


When the next uodate?

Public releases will be one month behind the Patreon versions, so v0.2.0 will be out for the public at the start of November.

yayyyy at my birthday

Deleted post

how the heck do you get any cheat codes

v0.1.0 doesn't have any cheat functionality. Starting in v0.2.0, cheat codes are a patron feature.

This game is fire


the text fields don't work on Mobile

(2 edits)

Would it be much to ask to request the ability to highlight text with my mouse? The larger blocks of narration are difficult to read.
Also: My XO keeps using the name I set for me to call her in formal situations while referring to me. Same in reverse.

Believe I've finally found and fixed the name issue, will be patched in the next patreon release this week.

As for highlighting, I have no quick fix for that, but adjusting the font size in Options may help.

Online saved games seem to disapear on later connections.


The games seem promising but i couldn't even get pass the first combat encounter


I really love the idea of this game and the art! However the combat is very confusing and slow for me

(1 edit)

Very nice so far, at first I was disappointed because the game ended after the tutorial then came back and saw it was in Alpha 0.1.0. So that is on me. 

I do like the customization, I do hope there's a lot decision making that impacts the story plot.  Also I don't see the Seeders race in the selection is that Patron only? 

Edit: Is breeding gonna be for the same species only or do you plan on allowing different species to breed? 


New races like the Seeders will eventually be recruitable, but will not be playable as they aren't part of the DTF at the start of the game.

The pregnancy system is going to be a ways off, but the current plan is to tie it into a combination of ship policies and medical upgrades to expand the options.

Alright, Thanks! Appreciate it.

(1 edit) (+1)

First, I just want to say wow, what a promising start! Definitely keeping my eye on this, likely joining the Patreon too once I get a sense of the development progress.

Now for a couple suggestions/questions (of course :p);

I noticed there isn't an "ass" button in the sex actions menu, is this a planned inclusion, or not intending to be added?

And secondly, only quality-of-life thing but I just wanted to suggest a re-randomization button for crew hires, saves people having to reload to an earlier save because they didn't like the lineups they got.


At the moment sex acts are focused on 'initiating' body parts and 'receiving' parts - ie you can do things to an ass, but not with an ass (for the currently implemented actions). I probably am going to need to implement some sort of 'I request that you do something to my ass' system so you don't need to wait for the NPC to get the idea randomly.

As for crew, once the gameplay loop is implemented and there's crew requisitions and the station shop, you'll be able to exchange crew members after the tutorial is over. 

Excellent, just the fact there was provision for 'using' your girly-parts but not your ass in similar fashion just made me wonder what the reason for that was, your idea of having a 'request' system to help direct the NPC's actions along lines you prefer sounds like a great idea.


how do i "select a destination"

Each destination (or the only destination in this case) has a toggle button on the map.

Do you know what exactly the toggle button looks like? I can't find it on the map screen, it is my first time playing this game so without the game telling me exactly how to do something i never done before i don't know what to do during it.


When you are customizing your XO and choosing what to call them in certain situations it is backwards.

If I tell then to call me Captain and I choose to call them Commander 

They will call me Commander and I will call them Captain 

It also happens the same for the other options 

Also so far really enjoying this game.

I think i know what happened because i did the same thing. when filling it out you're doing it from the perspective of the xo instead of the captain.

I thought that was the case at first but if you look to the right there is a box with text that fills in ever time  you  type your preference that makes it seam like it is from your point of view

yeah i went back and reread it. looks like you were right about it being an odd glitch.

Possible I've put some incorrect variables into some of the scene text. I'll do a pass, though if anyone can note specific scenes it'd speed fixes along.

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